These Psalms are extracted from The Ionian Psalter and were published as a sampler for church musicians. Psalms included:
Psalm 146:4-9 (Advent)
Psalm 98:1-6 (Christmas)
Psalm 72:1-2, 8, 10-13, 17 (Epiphany)
Psalm 119:1a, 9-16 (Epiphany Season)
Psalm 51:1a, 2-13 (Ash Wednesday, Lent)
Psalm 130 (Lent)
Psalm 22:1-2, 7-8, 14-21 (Holy Week)
Psalm 118:14-17, 22-23 (Easter Day)
Psalm 148:1a, 7-14 (Easter Season)
Psalm 104:25-26, 28-32, 35 (Pentecost)
Psalm 1 (Season after Pentecost)
Psalm 23 (Season after Pentecost)
Psalm 67 (Season after Pentecost)
Psalm 103:1-2, 8-14 (Season after Pentecost)
Psalm 95:1-7 (Season after Pentecost)