The Sussex Carol (2006)
Oct 2006
Peter R. Hallock Institute
handbells, organ, and tubular bells
Carol (arr.)
AATB and men’s voices
Te Deum
1953, rev. 1957
Peter R. Hallock Institute
brass, organ, and percussion
double choir, mixed voices, and SATB
There is a stream
March 28, 1954; rev. 1958, 1987
Ionian Arts, Inc.
mixed voices and SATB
They that wait upon the Lord
Sep 1953; rev. Sep 28, 1986
Peter R. Hallock Institute
mixed voices and SATB
They who trust in the Lord
March 1975
GIA Publications, Inc.
mixed voices and SATB
13 Psalms and Canticles for The Great Vigil of Easter
Ionian Arts, Inc.
handbells and organ
Canticle and Psalm
mixed voices and SATB
This is the feast
1984, rev. 1987, 1991
Ionian Arts, Inc.
2 trombones, 3 trumpets, brass, cymbals, horn, organ, percussion, and timpani
Canticle and Hymn
congregation and unison voices
Three Dances for Organ
Mar 1968
Organ work
Three Songs for Athena
Jun 1956
Peter R. Hallock Institute
2 pianos
Song (secular)
solo voice
Thy word is a lantern
December 6, 1970
GIA Publications, Inc.
mixed voices and SATB
‘Tis the Day of Resurrection
Easter 1955, rev. 1957
Peter R. Hallock Institute
3 trombones, 3 trumpets, brass, cymbals, horn, organ, percussion, and timpani
mixed voices and SATB
To the Supreme Being
June 15, 1993
Ionian Arts, Inc.
oboe, organ, and strings
ATBB and men’s voices
To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul (1984)
Nov 8, 1984
Peter R. Hallock Institute
Psalm and Tract
mixed voices and SATB
To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul (1985)
Mar 14, 1985
Peter R. Hallock Institute
Psalm and Tract
mixed voices and SATB
June 5, 1977
GIA Publications, Inc.
handbells, organ, and trumpet
Service Music
2-part, congregation, and mixed voices
Turn us again, O Lord God of hosts
Good Friday 1965; rev. 1989
Ionian Arts, Inc.
Anthem, Processional, and Psalm
men’s voices, mixed voices, SATB, and unison voices
Two Antiphons for Lauds
Jun 3-6, 2000
Ionian Arts, Inc.
mixed voices and SATB
Two Liturgical Improvisations
Aug 1953
Organ work
O come, O come Emmanuel (men’s voices)
Peter R. Hallock Institute
Hymn arrangements and descants
2-part and men’s voices
O come, O come Emmanuel (mixed voices)
Peter R. Hallock Institute
handbells and organ
Hymn arrangements and descants
congregation, men’s voices, mixed voices, SATB, and unison voices
Victimae Paschali laudes (Setting II)
Mar 22, 2013; rev. Aug 18, 2013
Ionian Arts, Inc.
Victimae Paschali laudes (Setting III)
Oct 15, 2013; rev. Feb 21, 2014; final ed. February 2015
Peter R. Hallock Institute
2 trombones, 3 trumpets, brass, cymbals, horn, organ, percussion, snare drum, and timpani
men’s voices, mixed voices, SATB, and unison voices
Victory (The strife is o’er)
Apr 13, 1952 (Easter 1952)
Peter R. Hallock Institute
brass, organ, and timpani
Hymn arrangements and descants
congregation, mixed voices, and SATB
The Voice of the Trumpet
1975; rev. Sep 24, 2010
Peter R. Hallock Institute
2 trombones, 3 trumpets, brass, horn, organ, percussion, and prepared tape
mixed voices and SATB
Vox in Rama
Jan 8, 1995
Peter R. Hallock Institute
AATBB and men’s voices