Peter R Hallock

Deo gracias persolvamus


Note that the other carols contained in Seven Seasonal Carols were compiled by Peter R. Hallock, but none of the other carols were arranged or composed by him.


Deo gracias persolvamus alacriter.
Let us give thanks to God in earnest.

Nato altissimo Virginis ex utero.
For the Most High born of the Virginโ€™s womb.

Regi in praesepio donis adorato.
For the King in the manger worshipped with gifts.

Mariae, filio benedicamus Domino.
For Mary, for her Son, let us bless the Lord.

Deo gracias.
Thanks be to God.

Score Information

Completion Date: 1988
ยฉ Ionian Arts, Inc.
Composer: Medieval Carol (c. 1430)
Arranger/Editor: Peter R. Hallock
Contained In: Seven Seasonal Carols
Liturgical Season: Christmas
Publisher: Manuscript (facsimile)
Manuscript Location: University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Recording information: Carol of the Birds, Track 5

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