Peter R Hallock


Showing 17–32 of 57 results

  • God is ascended

  • God the Lord has spoken

  • The Great Litany (BCP)

  • The Great O Antiphons

  • Hosanna to the Son of David

  • Hymn to Trinity

  • I will exalt you, O God my King (Psalm 145)

  • I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills (Psalm 121)

  • I will praise the name of God in Song

  • Invitatory Responses

  • The King of love my shepherd is

  • Kyrie eleison (from Eucharistic Hymn)

  • Lord, let your servant part in peace (Marilyn)

  • Lullay my liking (Settings I and II)

  • Mass of Saint Mark

  • Missa Brevis in B minor


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