The song appears on page 74-75. The preface to the song reads:
Here is one way to teach this five-note melody. Let the children learn first the opening and closing refrain, “When you stop…” Then different children can learn the four separate phrases that make up the rest of the song. The melody can be used without accompaniment, with just the melody played in octaves (use the octave above the melody), or with the added fun of Mr. Hallock’s accompaniment.
The text is from Up the Windy Hill by Aileen Fischer © 1953. The music is © 1961 by Peter Hallock.
Note: This song and the other two appearing in Sing for Joy are the first works published by Peter Hallock.
When you stop to think of it, isn’t it funny—the wiggley nose that there is on a bunny, the smartness of bees to know all about honey, the difference in days that are rainy or sunny, the way that our legs can be walky or runny—When you stop to think of it, isn’t it funny?